Above: Unloading at our new home in Santa Barbara, CA!
Just a glimpse of the GIANT TRUCK, not a fun ride for 2,00o miles!!
Thanks for helping us unload Ryan & Eli!!
EVEN BIGGER thanks to the packing/loading crew back in Chicago...don't have those pics yet and that will deserve a post in and of itself!!
Just a glimpse of the GIANT TRUCK, not a fun ride for 2,00o miles!!
Thanks for helping us unload Ryan & Eli!!
EVEN BIGGER thanks to the packing/loading crew back in Chicago...don't have those pics yet and that will deserve a post in and of itself!!
This Pagoda belonged to my Grandma who passed away a couple years ago. Meaning, it traveled farther than any of us!!!! I now have a family heirlom in my lawn--- it all the way from New Jersey to California!
Also, our parents were so awesome! We are so grateful they have been able to be along side us for the move! My parents followed our PENSKE truck in our little Honda Civic and also took part in dog watching, hotel searches, and desperate gas runs! Hey, it was a road trip! Jon's Mom flew out and was here to help us unload. Dad P. is in Africa... c'mon, what kind of excuse is that!! ;)
Tribute to Dad D.... he was in his glory and was such a great help! He really should be a groundskeeper, nothing makes him happier than some good yard work, hosing down a house, cleaning outdoor windows, and "cleaning dirt". He bought us a hardy supply of yard tools, I think so they will be here for him to use when he comes to visit. Like I said before, Mom D. and Mom P. were super helpful at unpacking, cleaning, pointing out parental insights.... :) So sad to have them so far away!! :(
Happy Note- See Below

Peter is a very, very, HAPPY dog!
And then we quickly transitioned to ....
5 year anniversary...
Wonderful Weekend Get-A-Way in Ojai!
On our way "home" to Santa Barbara, I encountered my first fire experience..
Mind you, this was a minor one...didn't even make local news!!! Yikes!!

sounds like things are going so well for you guys. :)
Thanks for the little recap and photos! Looking forward to seeing more!
Love you!
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